Procedural learning in simulated environment: How much of the real-world can be replaced?

When dealing with dangerous scenarios, we expect that the people handling the situations know what they are doing and can do it well; firefighters can fight fires, airplane pilots can pilot airplanes, brain surgeons can surgeon brains, etc. How can we be sure though that their training is complete and thorough? When learning complex procedures, such as surgeries, learning and preparation often occurs through textbooks (not realistic, but very accessible) or real-world practice (very realistic, but inaccessible). With the ubiquitous nature of handheld computers and the advancement of virtual reality in our modern world, these are no longer the only option. Attempts are being made to develop sophisticated simulations to complement and/or replace traditional learning methods. Whether the skills and knowledge obtain in these simulations is transferable back to real world skills, however, remains unknown. We are working with a Surrey-based app development company, Conquer Mobile, to test the efficacy of these systems, contrasting learning outcomes across text-based, simulation-based and real-world learning. In addition, we aim to help improve simulated learning systems, by identifying individual difference, such as stress reactivity, that may influence learning performance. This will help create unique environments for each individual which maximizes their ability to develop and retain new skills from the simulations.